Ontario has two main social assistance programs that provide income to eligible residents who need financial help – Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).
Ontario Works provides financial assistance to Ontarians who need money for basic needs, including food and housing.
ODSP provides financial assistance and health benefits to eligible Ontarians suffering from a disability that limits their ability to work.
This article covers what you need to know about ODSP payment dates in 2025, benefits, how to apply for the ODSP, disabilities that qualify, benefit amounts, and changes to the program.
ODSP Payment Dates 2025
ODSP payments are made available on the last business day of each month. The ODSP payment dates in 2024/2025 are:
Benefit month | ODSP Payment Date |
January 2025 | January 31, 2025 |
February 2025 | February 28, 2025 |
March 2025 | March 31, 2025 |
April 2025 | April 30, 2025 |
May 2025 | May 30, 2025 |
June 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
July 2025 | July 31, 2025 |
August 2025 | August 29, 2025 |
September 2025 | September 29, 2025 |
October 2025 | October 31, 2025 |
November 2025 | November 28, 2025 |
December 2025 | TBC |
You can receive your payments via direct deposit, cheque, or a reloadable payment card.
Related: Ontario Trillium Program.
ODSP Explained – How Much ODSP Benefit Do You Get?
The Ontario Disability Support Program offers income and employment support to people with disabilities. The program is administered by the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services.
The maximum amount of ODSP you receive will vary depending on the actual cost of shelter you incur, type of shelter, number of dependent children (i.e. benefit unit size), eligibility for the remoteness allowance, and whether your spouse or partner is also disabled and qualifies for ODSP.
ODSP Income Support
Eligible recipients receive a monthly payment that covers their basic needs and the cost of shelter. They may also receive health benefits and employment support.
1. ODSP Basic Needs Benefit
This refers to basic necessities such as food and clothing. The amount you receive varies depending on your household, the age of family members, and whether your spouse or partner is also disabled.
The maximum monthly amount provided for basic needs for a single recipient with no dependent child is $786. If a spouse is included in the benefit calculation, it goes up to $1,134.
See the table below for different scenarios:
Number of Dependants other than a Spouse | Dependants 18 Years or Older | Dependants 0-17 Years | Recipient (Seeย Note 1) Amount in dollars | Recipient and Spouse Seeย Note 2) Amount in dollars | Recipient and Spouse (Seeย Note 3) Amount in dollars |
0 | 0 | 0 | $786 | $1,134 | $1,569 |
1 | 0 | 1 | $786 | $1,134 | $1,569 |
1 | 1 | 0 | $1,219 | $1,355 | $1,790 |
2 | 0 | 2 | $786 | $1,134 | $1,569 |
2 | 1 | 1 | $1,219 | $1,355 | $1,790 |
2 | 2 | 0 | $1,441 | $1,602 | $2,037 |
Note 1. A recipient if there is no spouse included in the benefit unit.
Note 2. A recipient with a spouse included in the benefit unit if Note 3 does not apply.
Note 3. A recipient with a spouse included in the benefit unit if each of the recipient and the spouse is a person with a disability or a person referred to in subparagraph 1 i of subsection 4 (1) or paragraph 3, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 7 or 8 of subsection 4 (1).
2. ODSP Shelter Benefits
This refers to rent, mortgage, property taxes, home insurance, utilities, and condo fees. The maximum amount you can get for shelter allowance is based on your family size up to a maximum.
The maximum monthly amount provided to cover the shelter cost of a single ODSP recipient is $582. This amount increases to $915 when the benefit unit consists of two people.
See the table below for shelter allowance amounts based on various family sizes.
Benefit Unit Size | Maximum Monthly Shelter Allowance |
1 | $582 |
2 | $915 |
3 | $990 |
4 | $1,074 |
5 | $1,159 |
6 or more | $1,201 |
In cases where utilities are not included in the rent or mortgage, their actual cost can be paid out separately. There is also additional support for those residing in remote communities.
If an ODSP resident is living in a room and board arrangement and not renting or dwelling in a principal residence, the combined board and lodging amount they are paid is different.
3. ODSP Health Benefits
Health benefits available through the ODSP include:
- Prescription drug coverage
- Dental benefits
- Vision care and hearing benefits
- Medical supplies benefits, e.g. diabetic and incontinence supplies
- Nutritional allowance for pregnant and breastfeeding parents
- Extended health benefits
- Medical transportation benefits
- Transitional health benefits if you move on to a paid job and no longer qualify for ODSP
ODSP Employment Support
ODSP provides employment support to recipients who are able or willing to work by helping them with starting a job, obtaining training, and helping with childcare costs.
For example, if you start running a business, you can claim up to the full cost of child care as a deduction from your earnings.
Related: AISH Benefits Explained.
In addition to ODSP benefits, you may also qualify to receive other provincial and federal benefits such as the GST/HST credit, Canada Child Benefit, and the Ontario Trillium Benefit/Trillium Drug Program.
ODSP Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for the ODSP, you must meet the age, residency, financial, and disability requirements.
ODSP Age and Residency Requirements
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be a resident of the province of Ontario.
ODSP Financial Requirements
You must need financial help to pay for basic living expenses. Your household income and assets are assessed by a care worker in consideration for eligibility.
Income that may impact how much ODSP you receive include CPP, employment income, Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS), Old Age Security, and EI.
Income from Canada Child Benefits, Ontario Child Benefit, child support, or payments from a Registered Disability Savings Plan are exempt when calculating your ODSP eligibility.
The value of your assets also goes into determining whether you are eligible for ODSP or not.
Assets that impact your application include cash, RRSP, investments, TFSA, secondary properties, chequing accounts, etc.
Exempt assets include your primary residence and vehicle, Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), prepaid funerals, RDSP, personal effects, e.g. clothing, and the cash value of a life insurance policy (within specified limits).
For assets that impact your ODSP eligibility, you can have a limit of $40,000 as a single person or up to $50,000 for a couple and remain eligible.
ODSP recipients can work while receiving benefits. You earn up to $1,000 in net monthly income without a benefit reduction. Amounts exceeding $200 are clawed back at a 50% rate.
Employment income earned by ODSP recipients enrolled in full-time education (high school or post-secondary) is fully exempt.
Cash gifts, donations, and inheritances up to $10,000 per 12-month period are also exempt.
ODSP Disability Requirements
You must have a mental or physical disability that prevents you from being able to sustain yourself. As per the ODSP Act, this means that:
- You have an impairment that is expected to last one year or more
- Your disability limits your ability to care for yourself or function in a workplace or community
- Your impairment has been verified by an approved healthcare professional
To meet these requirements, you must submit a Disability Determination Package (DDP).
You may qualify for ODSP income support without completing DDP if you are already a recipient of the Canada Pension Plan Disability benefit or you are over 65 years of age and do not qualify for an OAS pension.
How To Apply for ODSP in 2025
If you meet the age and residency requirements, you can proceed with starting the application process to determine whether you are financially eligible. You can complete this process online, by phone, or in person at your local ODSP office.
The Ministry of Community and Social Services has offices in the East, North, Central, and West regions of the province and Toronto. Find a location here.
A decision on this initial step is sent to you within 15 business days.
If you are deemed financially eligible for income support, your care worker will give you a Disability Determination Package. Your healthcare provider is required to complete the “Health Status Report” (HSR) and “Activities of Daily Living” (ADLI) sections of the DDP.
The following professionals can complete both the HSR and ADLI forms:
Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Physicians, Psychological Associates, Psychologists, Registered Nurses in extended class and Registered Nurses.
These healthcare professionals can only complete the ADLI:
Audiologists, Chiropractors, Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers, and Speech-Language Pathologists.
The two other forms in the package, i.e. the “Consent to Release Medical Information” and Self Report” are completed by you.
The completed package is sent to the Disability Adjudication Unit. A decision is usually completed within 90 business days.
If you have questions about your application, call the Disability Adjudication Unit at 1-888-256-6758.
Applicants already on Ontario Works generally qualify financially for ODSP and can apply for ODSP through their Ontario Works Office.
If deemed ineligible, you can request an internal review within 30 days. If you are not satisfied with the review’s outcome, you can ask for an appeal hearing.
ODSP Increase and Changes in 2025
Starting in July 2023, ODSP benefits are indexed to inflation. Benefit amounts increased for both basic needs and shelter amounts.
Ontario Works Payment Dates 2025
If you are interested in when Ontario Works payments are made, they are shown in the table below. Ontario Works payment dates in 2025 are made available on the last business day of the previous month:
OW Benefit Month | OW Payment Date |
January 2025 | December 31, 2024 |
February 2025 | January 31, 2025 |
March 2025 | February 28, 2025 |
April 2025 | March 31, 2025 |
May 2025 | April 30, 2025 |
June 2025 | May 30, 2025 |
July 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
August 2025 | July 31, 2025 |
September 2025 | August 29, 2025 |
October 2025 | September 29, 2025 |
November 2025 | October 31, 2025 |
December 2025 | November 28, 2025 |
Related: Ontario Child Benefits.
dec 20th 2024 is odsp next pay confirmed with ontario my benifits
Food for thought…
Yes, ODSP is not really meant to help those get back on their feet; or is it enough to live on considering most on disability do need special diets and there are funds extra for that-but let’s be honest… it is not enough with todays prices!; ODSP is not easy to get on, although that can be a burden, I know from experience, but if your doctor declares your physical disabilities and your therapist declares your mental health issues, and your still denied- then make sure you appeal; on that note, if your denied because you have too much assets then clearly you need to liquidate your assets and do not exactly need ODSP yet, also, if you have too much mortgage or car payments and ODSP is not able to give you enough to cover that, you could still work and have ODSP assisting you to partially cover your expenses, rent out your room, sell the house, or sell the car (it’s bad for the environment anyways), you could even volunteer minimum 2 hours per month and receive an additional $100 on top of your monthly shelter and living costs, ; on ODSP or social assistance you can also take the opportunity to take a program/class/course/training program and update your skills to be able to help find a new job.
With that said, ontario works social assistance is not even able to cover the cost of rent for a room in todays economy even you volunteered and got the extra $100 per month. Rent for just a bedroom with shared kitchen and a bathroom start at $900/month now.
So yes, poverty and homelessness is only going to get worse if there is not a change.
But i don’t think the amount of government social assistance is the answer.
Now I don’t say this to offend anyone, but there is a point where having a good paying job/career can just be stated as a “GREEDY SELF-CENTRED AND SPOILED INDIVIDUAL” some job’s for example over-work a person 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week, of course they are paid probably very well, and they have a home and do not have to worry or want for anything because work hard and get paid well, they probably donate a few thousand to charities and claim in their taxes, but they probably also have a huge home, more then enough food in the fridge, a summer home, and god knows maybe several cars and a helicopter. But I bet you that job they have can be divided several times and the work be divided to pay several people so that they too can have a home and provide for their families.
my point is that people around the entire world should have not only a minimum wage and maximum hours, but they should have a maximum earning amount (anything over $150,000 per year to support just one person is more then enough) living space (okay you want have an office and a spare room, that’s fine – but you do not need a 4000 square foot property for just yourself or more then one of those properties – bc that is greedy!), a cap on how many cars, a cap on how many flights, and a cap on how many apartments are not being rented for a certain period of time in a building before it should be subsidized and rented to someone who needs a place.
Also, the housing situation, where the government sticks all of the poor into a specific complex or area is straight up reminds me of an old disciplinary method that was used years ago; punishment to a child at school by making them wear a dunce-cap while they sit off to the side, so everyone knows they did something wrong. Or detention class where everyone sits in a room together and they all know that each of them did something wrong to get a detention slip.
my point is that poverty is a continuous circle and my real question is… did people who grew up in poverty do something wrong? or is it the wealthy/government/politicians/those who do nothing when they see something that is just not right?
why do those who are less fortunate get centered out into the “ghetto” ?
I am sure there is many other things I could have mentioned… just some idea’s of what I think are the problems.